
Film Kraków

Plac Inwalidów 7/14
Kraków, PL
telefon: +48 502 277 538


Film Kraków


Fugazi - The Centre of the Universe

Fugazi - The Centre of the Universe

Fugazi - The Centre of the Universe is a documentary and animated film depicting the short, though eventful history of one of the first independent music clubs in free Poland.
Jarocin. Rock for Freedom

Jarocin. Rock for Freedom

In a small town, which no one in Poland heard of, a unique rock festival is born. This takes place in times of socialism in the 1980s. Tens of thousands of people arrive at Jarocin which becomes an island of freedom.
Man of Marble

Man of Marble

"Man of Marble" je hořkosladký příběh o lásce, o kterou bojují Remik - alkoholik snažící se vymanit ze závislosti, Magda - mladá matka nucená dospět a jejich syn Franek.
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