Co-Production Booster: online individual meetings between producers looking for international co-productions
For the 2023 edition of the East Doc Platform we have prepared a new activity that aims to help establish new collaborations across Europe. In order to help find co-production partners, we have set up the Co-Production Booster, networking individual meetings that will precede the main event and will take place online. All documentary projects selected for any of the East Doc Platform programmes can participate and specify the countries of co-production they seek. Producers interested in co-production meetings with the projects could sign-up for meetings too.
When and where?
March 8 & 9, 10:00 - 12:00 & 14:00 - 16:00 (GSM+1), online
Projects participating in 2023:
War on Women
Brothers in the Hunt
Basement 341
I have never been on an airplane
World Of Walls
Where I end and you begin
MAOMI - Larger than life
Chasing Stumps
The Silent Hostage
Beautiful Void
Until the Wedding
European Union Wolf
One Day I Wish to See You Happy
For more information contact:
Zdenek Blaha /
Sofia Tocar /