We are happy to announce, that we chose and awarded one project pitched at Docs Barcelona. That project will have an opportunity to join the East Doc Platform 2024 in Prague and get individual meetings within the East Doc Market.
The winning project is New Adam by Máté Takács and Declan McGrath, congratulations!
* New Adam *
At the age of 50, film editor Adam Fiers loses 98% of his memory due to a sudden meningitis infection. He begins to reconstruct his past-life from documents, photographs and film footage on the hard-drive of his computer. Adam tries to understand the world through films he watches.
Máté Takács and Declan McGrath
Judit Sós, Lara Orsoni, Michael Mallie
Proton Cinema, Ladybirds Films, Ard Mhacha Productions
Hungary, Ireland, France