The 15th edition of Ex Oriente Film workshop will be held from June 26 – July 1, 2017 in the beautiful city of Split. The directors and producers will come with twelve documentary projects to discuss and fine-tune their works with renowned documentary experts. The complete list of tutors can be found here.
Apart from the closed group workshops and individual consultations, Ex Oriente Film traditionally offers a diverse programme that will be open to all interested public. What highlights can you look forward to this year? The films of the Austrian director Nikolaus Geyrhalter are known for their meticulously precise images, rhythm, pacing and sound. During the masterclass, he will discuss these elements in his own work and give us a glimpse into his unique gaze on the world. The same day, experienced cinematographer and cameraman Philippe Bellaiche will explore the fragile triangle of director—character—crew and the role of the cameraperson in documentary filmmaking.
You will definitely enjoy the masterclass by award-winning director and producer Thomas Balmès. Using examples from his previous films such as Happiness and Babies, he will provide insight into how to craft a narrative through visual language.
Come and join us also for special screenings: Happiness (dir. Thomas Balmès, France / Finland, 2014), Homo Sapiens (dir. Nikolaus Geyrhalter, Switzerland / Germany / Austria, 2016) or Houston We Have a Problem! (dir. Žiga Virc, Slovenia / Croatia / Germany / Czech Republic / Qatar, 2016). It will be worth your while!
The entire programme will be available in English and is free of charge – you can download the complete version here. We are looking forward to seeing you in Split, this year again with our partner, a renowned production company Hulahop.