The public premiere of Anna Kryvenko's debut documentary My Unknown Soldier, uncovering one family history connected with the occupation of Czechoslovakia in 1968, will take place in DOX Centre for Contemporary Art on August 18th. Tickets can be reserved here. The documentary will also be screened in Kasárna Karlín for free on August 22nd and 26th. The screenings are English friendly (in Czech with English subtitles). An alternative distribution platform KineDok will then send My Unknown Soldier and other fresh documentary, Occupation 1968, to KineDok's alternative screening places all across the Czech Republic. Festival distribution for My Unknown Soldier is provided by East Silver Caravan. The film was developed in dok.incubator workshop in 2017 and was presented during East Doc Platform 2018.
What does it feel like to become an occupier without your own intentions? With known but also never published archival materials from the whole Europe and Russia we tell a family story of the director Anna Kryvenko about how the big politics is destroying the lives of ordinary people. Just couple of years ago the director found a family secret of her grand-uncle who came to occupy Czechoslovakia in 1968 as a Soviet soldier. When searching for grand-uncle's story the author touches themes like fragmentation of personal and national memory, inherited guilt, interpretation of history, media manipulation, relationship towards nowadays Russia, but also relationship of Czechs and Slovaks towards foreigners – themes very actual in our times.
Prague screenings of the documentary My Unknown Soldier:
August 18th at 6 pm – The public premiere in DOX Centre for Contemporary Art
August 20th at 8:45 pm – Documentary Monday in Světozor Cinema
August 21st at 10 pm – Happening at Národní třída – screening on the building of the New Stage (Nová scéna) / for free
August 22nd at 7 pm – Screening in Kasárna Karlín (+ guest Michael Kocáb, + music project Federsel) / for free
August 23rd at 7 pm – Screening in Pragovka Gallery / for free
August 26th at 7 pm – Screening in Kasárna Karlín / for free