Vasil Bykau.The Return
The film is based on the last 2-hour interview with Vasil Bykau, the writer whose books became the classics of war literature. He contemplates about freedom, history and destiny of the nation, religion, heavy burden of…
Vasily Smyslov. In search of harmony
The film is based on the main character's monologues, pierced with drama and ups and downs of the fight for the chess crown, as well as passion for opera. The youngest grandmaster in the world before WWII broke out,…
The Vasulka Effect
The Vasulkas, international pioneers of video art and lifetime hackers, sometimes called the grandparents of the “YouTube” generation, are struggling with finances. They have been busy archiving their work at their…
Vega - An American Dream
Vega is a rock band formed by people with mental disabilites from the Institute of Social Care in the north Bohemian town of Skalice. The band soon became so popular that it was invited to play at the festival of Czech…
The Estonian-based movement Tour d'ÖÖ (Tour of the Night) brings together cyclophiles who, once every month, take over the urban landscape. Riders on this guerrilla journey flock through the night-time streets of the…
Velvet Divorce
Twenty one years after Velvet Divorce A few months after jettisoning Communism in 1989, the path was open to the dissolution of Czechoslovakia. This was completed at the turn of 1992 and 1993, when two new states…
Velvet Generation
A portrait of contemporary young people in search of their identity, values and community that unfolds against the backdrop of an emerging Czech and Slovak ballroom scene.
Velvet Terrorists
Three men longing to become heroes. During the 80s, they decided to fight the communistic regime in Czechoslovakia. Three stories about the thin line between defence and offence, courage and chance, presence and past...…
Venezuela: Country of Lost Children
Venezuela is plagued by poverty, hunger and violence. This observational documentary shot in local slums shows how long-term neglect of infrastructure affects women and children.
Venice: Afloat
One day from the life of the most unusual city in the wold - Venice, from the point of view of the people who work on water - taxi-drivers, gondoliers, fishmen, etc. Venice which has been seen form the water.