We Cry Behind Dark Sunglasses
Filmed on over 50 locations, with over 70 participants, in over 100 shooting days, We Cry behind the Dark Sunglasses’ represents one of the most ambitious projects ever financed by the Cultural Council of the City of…
Wedding for Dummies
When the world is facing major problems, everyday joys and troubles seem to be irrelevant. We just stop taking notice of them, or admiring them. This film is a humble attempt to turn our backs on the global problems and…
Wedding Of Silence
Film Wedding of Silence is about deaf people. The only difference of these people from the others is that they live in total silence but this fact doesn't imply that they are retarded or miserable. The world of silence…
Weddings and Diapers
Marriage. Once dictated by strict rules now takes on many shapes and forms in this era of rapid social change in Kosova. "Weddings and Diapers" brings four couples of different regions and generations to share how they…
Weddings, Musics and Videotapes
A 52-minute "behind-the-scenes" insight of the Romanian wedding industry, with cameramen, photographers and singers from all around the country in the spotlight. Their life stories, their editing styles, their hands…
We Did What Had To Be Done
A centuries-long conflict in Ireland that had led the country to be divided into a southern and northern part in 1921 escalated in 1969. Republican-Catholics entered armed battle with the Unionist-Protestants. Thousands…
Wednesdays at the Station
Elisabeth Glinka, a medical doctor, is attracted to the idea of providing hospice care to terminally ill patients. One day she gets an urgent call to treat a case of terminal cancer among the homeless at Moscow's…
Wednesday to Wednesday: Durer
Pawel Kuczynski uses his autobiographical and often humorous documentary camera to probe humanity's existential fears, interweaving his daily experiences with the themes of Nietzsche, in Monday to Monday, and Dionysus,…
We Feed The World
Almost 1 billion of people are starving worldwide. But the food we are currently producing could feed 12 billion of people. The amount of bread thrown away in Vienna every day corresponds to the amount of bread used on…
We Film the People!
This film is a game of chess between two skilled teams: The Polish filmmakers versus the State and the communist Party representatives. Throughout the 70’s filmmakers trained and funded by the State managed to make…