Where I End And You Begin
A single mother and her son with Down syndrome are stuck in a limbo between a difficult present and a future which looks hopeless. When he shows signs of a violent predisposition she is faced with a terrible dilemma.
Where is Enver Hoxha?
Since 1991 there is a gaping hole in the heart of Tirana's city centre. Nowadays the municipal corporation erects a Christmas tree every year at the place, where once the bronze statue of Stalinist dictator Enver Hoxha…
Where is the Kinobalagan Gone
Two guys from Belarus were cycling around Europe for 31 days with a projector and a petrol generator. They did film screenings of independent short films in towns and cities they passed by. They cycled around 1500 km…
Where the Jasmine Always Blooms
A child left his home, but left his heart there.
A place where there was a lot of love, life, history, diversity, dreams and future.
A place that was connected with destinies and the destinies with the place.
These are
Where the Land Ends
Québec is the largest Canadian province and the only one with the official language being only French. Modern struggles for Québec’s independence have resulted in two referendum polls which both acknowledged its being a…
Where The Wind Blew
WTWB tells us how the Cold War super powers, in their race to develop more & more deadly bombs, spent 40 years developing weapons capable of wiping out entire nations, while sacrificing their own vulnarable populations.
Where to?
A young woman is trying to make a living in Croatia by driving taxi.
Where To Go
A portrait of society, impressions of a city, if nothing else, a political statement. January 2012: A series of protests broke out in major cities all across Romania, the biggest riots since the Revolution of 1989/90.…