Our goal is not to scare people. Rather our goal is to scare birds so that they are not able to scare us. In other words, it's an actual job – to understand those birds and animals that might approach, are approaching or are already here living in the territory of the airport in order to make sure that their paths don't cross with those of the airplanes. The leading roles are played by airplanes and birds. And the special zone. From the point of view of the airplanes it is an airport, where they take off, land, and take on passengers. For the birds, however, it is a wide, fl at and clearly visible territory where they fl ock together, rest, and eat. And Mareks is in the middle. Every day he has to keep a close eye on the zone and do everything in his power to ensure that it is a safe space for the airplanes. If one day Mareks were not to do so, the zone would become the domain of the birds.
24. 7. 2022
True Story, episode 43: Scarecrows
"Sometimes we have to be frightening to be safe." Director Laila Pakalnina and producer Uldis Cekulis talk about their new project Scarecrows, following people working at the airports who make sure birds do not cross paths with the planes.
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