Raitis Ozols is a computer programmer, mathematician and occasional magician. In his private life, however, things seldom work out with much mathematical precision. His relationship with his mother Silvija is particularly complicated. He discusses his inexplicable fear of his mother with his therapist, who would prefer for Raitis to look for a wife and organize his overflowing apartment. But when Raitis reports Silvija to the police for emotional blackmail, bringing some order into his adult life becomes all the more difficult. The camera, recording as an omnipresent, invisible presence, exposes these crippled relations in long drawn-out scenes.

4. 10. 2018
Silver Eye Award 2018 nominations unveiled
For the 10th time the Institute of Documentary Film will give Silver Eye Award to the best documentaries from Central and Eastern Europe at Ji.hlava IDFF. Find all about the nominated films and international juries.
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