On the remote New Siberian Islands in the Arctic Ocean, hunters are searching for the tusks of extinct mammoths.There is a gold rush fever in the air. The price for white gold has never been so high. The thawing permafrost not only releases precious ivory.The tusk hunters find a surprisingly well-preserved mammoth carcass. Such finds are magnets for high-tech genetic scientists.They want to bring the extinct woolly mammoth back to life à la “Jurassic Park”. Resurrecting the mammoth is a first manifestation of the next great technological revolution.Man becomes Creator. Genesis two point zero.

22. 5. 2019
Interview with director Christian Frei
Christian Frei was one of the Ex Oriente Film tutors at East Doc Platform 2019 in Prague. He also held a masterclass about his recent film Genesis 2.0 which was part of UnEarthed programme section at One World IHRDFF.
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20. 1. 2019
FIPADOC, DocPoint Helsinki & Tallinn with Czech docs
Upcoming DocPoint Helsinki included Helena Třeštíková's retrospective and Jan Gebert's When the War Comes in its programme, while DocPoint Tallin will screen Šimon Šafránek's King Skate. Martin Páv's Vote for Kibera is in FIPADOC's official selection.
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14. 1. 2019
White World, Amour and War at BIDF 2019
Budapest International Documentary Festival (BIDF) will show from January 28 to February 3, 2019 in its competition East Silver Caravan titles and Silver Eye nominees. The theme of its 5th edition is "Naked truth on the film screen".
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14. 11. 2018
IDF at IDFA 2018
The programme of IDFA 2018 includes several titles which are part of IDF activities, such as When the War Comes. Docs For Sale offer nine East Silver titles. IDF also prepared Drink with East Doc Platform for invited guests.
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4. 10. 2018
Silver Eye Award 2018 nominations unveiled
For the 10th time the Institute of Documentary Film will give Silver Eye Award to the best documentaries from Central and Eastern Europe at Ji.hlava IDFF. Find all about the nominated films and international juries.
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