55 min


Built To Last - Relics of Socialist Architecture

Na věčné časy - relikty socialistické architektury

Directing: Haruna Honcoop


A series of short experimental films creates an audiovisual mosaic in 10 cities of Eastern Europe (Berlin, Bratislava, Budapest, Bucharest, Moscow, cities in Albania, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Poland and Serbia). It depicts the beginning of stalinist architecture, and includes brutalism as well as socialist modernism until 1989.In the short films the socialist architecture is born again.It depicts the recent state of the buildings and reveals archival film footage presenting the locations and important historical moments.The film includes an original electronic-socialist soundtrack.


KineDok will screen Vachek's Communism and Stocklassa's Kiruna
13. 8. 2020

KineDok will screen Vachek's Communism and Stocklassa's Kiruna

KineDok includes several Czech and Slovak films in the 2020 edition, including Karel Vachek's Communism or Net, Greta Stocklassa's Kiruna - A Brand New World, Tomáš Elšík's Central Bus Station and Barbora Berezňáková's Never Happened.
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