The Hamlet Syndrome depicts the young Ukrainian generation scarred by war and political breakthroughs since 2014. The film's starting point is the preparation for a play based on the motifs of Shakespeare's Hamlet, which, combined with an intense glimpse into the lives of the characters, creates a powerful portrait of a generation having to confront their war trauma and tackle the painful past, which now after the Russia's invasion of Ukraine becomes their present and future alike.
25. 4. 2023
Ten films supported by the IDF at goEast Filmfestival
Flotacija, Motherland, We Will Not Fade Away and Fragile Memory are among the films, supported by the Institute of Documentary Film, that will be screened at goEast Filmfestival in Wiesbaden in Germany (April 26 - May 2).
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27. 2. 2023
Films supported by the IDF at CPH:DOX
CPH:DOX has unveiled the program of the 2023 edition. It includes 6 films supported by the Institute of Documentary Film: Blix Not Bombs, Disturbed Earth, Motherland, Pianoforte, The Hamlet Syndrome and Yoyogi.
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30. 1. 2023
True Story, episode 50: The Hamlet Syndrome
Ivona Remundová talked at Ji.hlava IDFF with Piotr Rosołowski, co-director of The Hamlet Syndrome, a film about a generation of Ukrainians confronting their war trauma and tackling the painful past.
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9. 11. 2022
Projects and films supported by the IDF at IDFA 2022
A number of films and projects supported by the Institute of Documentary Film are part of the program of IDFA 2022.
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