
57 min


Memories of the Balkans

Tenkrát na Balkáně

Directing: Aleš Koudela


They came here to look for a new home, for the war deprived them of their old one. In the late 20th century, Yugoslavia lay in ruins and the nationalist leaders unleashed hell in the Balkans. Chaos, fear, religious intolerance, dead and suffering people, hundreds of thousands of refugees, mass graves and helpless Europe. All of that within striking distance of the Czech Republic.
They had two ways of coping with their experience. Some of them have been looking for their killed brothers and sons until today, while others have been trying to draw a line under the horrors they have seen as if there never was any war. However, the experience of the war turmoil has left its mark on all of them. No matter on which side of the conflict they stood.
The documentary film Back Then in the Balkans revisits the people most affected by the war conflict of the early 1990s. In the film, Croatians, Serbians and Bosnians bring out their memories, all of their guilt and pain being still surprisingly alive. Even those who have found a new homeland in the Czech Republic and never returned to their old one are very cautious about sharing their memories. The dangerous radical nationalism is still alive in the countries of former Yugoslavia. The Balkan soul only got new scars because of a senseless war.
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