The unfavorable situation of the labor market during the pandemic pushes Kateryna to work in a fraudulent call center that sells vitamins that promise “magical” success to its consumers. While this helped to survive financially, months of isolation, irritated customers and a common frustration took her into a vitamin deficiency, so-called avitaminosis.
The film is a journey into fragility and the search for healing and love in an increasingly suffocating world for young generations.
The film is a journey into fragility and the search for healing and love in an increasingly suffocating world for young generations.

16. 1. 2023
True Story, episode 48: Avitaminosis
Nicole J. Adelman talked to director Kateryna Ruzhyna about her short documentary Avitaminosis, a self-portrait of a young filmmaker from Ukraine living in Prague, awarded by the Institute of Documentary Film at Ji.hlava IDFF 2022.
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29. 10. 2022
Silver Eye Award 2022 goes to Love Is Not an Orange and Avitaminosis
The Silver Eye Award for the best films of the East Silver Market at Ji.hlava IDFF was given in the feature category to Love Is Not an Orange and in the short category to Avitaminosis. The feature Special Mention goes to Plai. A Mountain Path.
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28. 10. 2022
Short film Avitaminosis got the Silver Eye Award 2022
The Silver Eye Award 2022 for the best short film of the East Silver Market was given to Avitaminosis, directed by Kateryna Ruzhyna, during the Industry Awards Ceremony at Ji.hlava IDFF on Friday, October 28.
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