
Kino-Siberia Film Production

Frunze Str. 57, apt.69.
Novosibirsk, RU
phone: +7 383 224 51 14


Kino-Siberia Film Production

About the Company

Was born in 1938 in Novosibirsk, Russia. Has finished the camera department of the Russian State Institute of cinematography, Moscow. Has more than 50 documentary films as the film director and the director of photography. Among them: At a warm place, Whose bread is more tasty, Gypsy coast, Successful Soloshenko, Driver's ballad, Art of all times and peoples , Old grass Image of not withered time, Flight to Mars, , Three Trailers, The Fisherman and the Dancing Girl, The days of the future Buddhas. The prize winner of many russian and international film festivals. The deserved figure of arts of Russia. The valid member of Academy of cinematography arts "Nika". The valid member of Academy of cinematography arts "Golden Eagle". The valid member of European Film Academy.


Kino-Siberia Film Production

Frunze Str. 57, apt.69.
Novosibirsk, RU
phone: +7 383 224 51 14
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