A busy family of three lives in the centre of Brussels. Their life circles around a little apartment, a store they run and a gym. Since Sanae (38) is a world boxing champion, she spends her days exercising on the ring. Yara (11) understands why her mother is often absent, since she is a promising boxer herself. Though, sometimes, she wishes she could spend more time with her mom. Jean-Christophe, the father and the husband, is an endurance coach for both ladies. Due to his wife’s booming career, he is relegated to taking care of the chores at home. Their entire routine depends on the needs of Sanae, who seemingly never tasted defeat.
That changes when she looses an important championship. Yara is upset, but finally has Sanae all to herself. Their connection is special – two warriors who, in their words, “have the same blood”. Jealous, Jean-Christophe, who performs all the duties traditionally reserved for a mother, knows he will never be able to replace one.
The trio form a unique structure, in which people exist very close to each other, but still end up feeling lonely, craving attention and missing one another. When that is paired up with financial hardships, untamed ambitions and the challenges of being women in competitive sport, we realize that we are dealing with characters who are loving and caring towards one another, but struggle to keep moving forward as a team.
While reaching for big dreams, the family needs to face the bigger challenges. How do you make things work in this relationship? How do you keep the family together? What is the right way to raise your child? How do you keep winning without pushing your loved ones away? This film is a portrait of a modern family, who does not give up on each other when things get difficult. We feel that that our bond with the family will allow us to tell a compelling story about people who, on the surface, do things that are out of the ordinary, but ultimately are highly relatable to many of us.
That changes when she looses an important championship. Yara is upset, but finally has Sanae all to herself. Their connection is special – two warriors who, in their words, “have the same blood”. Jealous, Jean-Christophe, who performs all the duties traditionally reserved for a mother, knows he will never be able to replace one.
The trio form a unique structure, in which people exist very close to each other, but still end up feeling lonely, craving attention and missing one another. When that is paired up with financial hardships, untamed ambitions and the challenges of being women in competitive sport, we realize that we are dealing with characters who are loving and caring towards one another, but struggle to keep moving forward as a team.
While reaching for big dreams, the family needs to face the bigger challenges. How do you make things work in this relationship? How do you keep the family together? What is the right way to raise your child? How do you keep winning without pushing your loved ones away? This film is a portrait of a modern family, who does not give up on each other when things get difficult. We feel that that our bond with the family will allow us to tell a compelling story about people who, on the surface, do things that are out of the ordinary, but ultimately are highly relatable to many of us.
18. 3. 2021
Cenu East Doc Platform má chystaný film o ekologické devastaci lagun
Ukrajinský projekt Laguny. Bitva o ráj Serhije Lysenka získal Cenu East Doc Platform 2021 a rovněž Cenu Current Time TV. 72 hodin běloruské filmařky Anny Savčenko má Koprodukční cenu České televize. Uspěly také české projekty.
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12. 10. 2020
Devět projektů podpořených IDF na DOK Industry
V programu DOK Industry na DOK Leipzig se během prezentace DOK Partners představí pět projektů z workshopu Ex Oriente Film a East Doc Fóra. DOK Co-Pro Market nabídne další čtyři projekty podpořené IDF.
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1. 6. 2020
Představujeme 12 projektů workshopu Ex Oriente Film 2020
Institut dokumentárního filmu představuje 12 dokumentárních projektů, které byly vybrány do 18. ročníku workshopu Ex Oriente Film z rekordního počtu 108 přihlášených projektů.
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5. 2. 2020
EDP 2020: Návštěvníci, Šaman proti Putinovi i Veletrh bydlení
Projekty představené na pitchingu East Doc Forum a během schůzek na East Doc Marketu jsou nedílnou součástí 9. ročníku East Doc Platform, který se uskuteční v Praze od 7. do 13. 3.
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