90 min


Zákon lásky

Režie: Barbora Chalupová


On the surface, it looks like the whole society in the Czech Republic is open-minded and LGBT+ friendly. But when it comes to the question of the law and marriage of same-sex couples, hidden ignorance and hatred appears. One man Czeslaw and the group of his companions runs a campaign to prove to the politicians and common society that the fight for LGBT+ rights in Europe is far not over. Will he succeed? Will the Czech Republic be the first country in Eastern Europe where gays and lesbians will be able to marry? Or will all the effort get stuck in the political populistic maze?



Videotéka East Silver na MFDF Ji.hlava 2021
21. 10. 2021

Videotéka East Silver na MFDF Ji.hlava 2021

Pro držitele a držitelky industry a press akreditací bude na MFDF Ji.hlava od 26. do 31. října nachystána videotéka East Silver. Které filmy budete moci zhlédnout? Projděte si jejich seznam. Těšíme se na vás!
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