A Tale of Two Sisters
One wall. Two Polands.

Broken Head
To get his girlfriend back, old offender starts therapy in prison. This journey becomes a fight for oneself.

After two years of therapy at the center for former prisoners, Andrzej is trying to reconnect with his family.

How to swim and not to drown
Arnold has been participating in this unconventional swimming contest for 23 years, and every year he constructs as fanciful as possible boats and floats.

Three Women
Tři protagonisté různého věku. Agnieszka - teenager, Małgosia - dvacetiletá matka dvou dětí, Basia - osmdesátiletá paní, která žije se svým šedesátiletým synem.
Všechny postavy pojí dohromady jedno místo - Stare Polesie…