An Ordinary Life
Katya and Iulia are finally making their way out of the psychiatric hospital where they lived since their majority. Back to citizenship, they’re now both settled in Krasnoyarsk, Siberia and are starting a new life.
Jaká bude budoucnost nové generace mladých balkánských muslimů?
From the point of view of a future archeologist, Burial gazes through the radioactive ruins we’re making into the haunted depths of inaccessible places and the time we bury there.
Candidates of Death
The decade-long process of creating an amateur horror film "Candidates of Death" by a group of friends becomes the starting point for discreet observation of their growing up, their first successes, as well as failures.
Company of Steel
After returning from war three young Ukrainian war veterans try to find their place in the civilian life. Would they be able to adapt to the society and win their private war?
Doktor na tripu
Mezinárodní tým vědců v čele s Mudr. Tomášem Páleníčkem se po mnoha letech bádání v evropských laboratořích vydává do amazonského pralesa srovnat některé aspekty vlivu psychedelik na fungování mozku s mnohasetletou…
The coach and his trainee are on the edge of the ski jump during the intense period of preparation for a new height.
Faces of Taboo
Three female filmmakers will film in Ukrainian prisons, where the presence of cameras was absolutely forbidden until just 5 years ago. We dream to transform the penal system of repression into a correctional program.
Goodbye Heroes
The last battle cry of two 90-year-old partisan veterans and their journey to keep the anti-fascist legacy alive in a society which forgot its own ideals and heroes.