Scientific reports predict environmental collapse and extinction of the human race. We are living on a dying planet. But out there, people are working on local solutions. It is called ecovillages. It is a grassroot movement trying to find solutions to soothe the general hysteria and panic mode of environmental and social collapse. We go on a quest to explore a wide variety and possibilities of sustainable co-living in ecocommunities, spiritual practices and rituals. In 6 episodes of the docuseries we try to find an answer – is there a replicable model that could be transferred to the rest of society to make a radical transformative structural switch? The variation of communities covers success stories from the 60-ies like Zegg (Germany), the oldest community in Europe; Damanhur (Italy), which is a centre of theurgic rituals and magic healing of the Earth; Tamera (Portugal) – a free love community, that acts on a global system change, from war to peace, from exploitation to cooperation, from fear to trust; Suderbyn (Sweden) – a grassroot experimenting ground for low-tech energy solutions and permaculture. As a counterpoint there is an urban community in Bretagne (France) that shows how sustainable co-living is possible also in the cities. On the journey we meet charismatic grounded visionaries and leaders of this movement that open the ideology behind a seemingly niche movement that could actually be a model for humanity to make a real change. Behind the idealistic aspirations of this movement lay also a deep-rooted controversy of individuals having to abandon their personal happiness over the pursuit of the community´s benefit.
24. 8. 2020
East Doc Series představuje pět vybraných projektů
East Doc Series, nová aktivita IDF, zná pět projektů vybraných na první workshop, který se uskuteční 2. a 7.–8. září 2020 online na Baltic Sea Docs. Nechybí mezi nimi chystané dokumentární série Bernadett Tuzy-Ritter a dua Missirkov – Bogdanov.
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