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Ex Oriente Film East Silver East Doc Platform KineDok East Doc Series Ex Oriente Series Český dokument

Ex Oriente Film

3rd Ex Oriente Film Session: Market, Here I Am!

2nd Ex Oriente Film Session: Production and Story Development

1st Ex Oriente Film Session: Find Your Way – Vision, Space and Storytelling

Ex Oriente Film Follow-Up

Knowledge Lab

East Silver

East Silver Karavana

Silver Eye

Cena Silver Eye

Czech Docs: Ready to Go

East Silver Market

East Doc Platform

Czech Docs: Coming Soon

East Doc Forum

East Doc Interactive

East Doc Market


Co-Production Booster


East Doc Series

Ex Oriente Series

Český dokument

Panel připravovaných českých dokumentárních filmů

Katalog českých připravovaných dokumentárních filmů

Večer s českým dokumentem


Acting Classes

Acting Classes

Vera 87, is a newbie at the nursing home. Waiting for her son to come get her, she joins a theatre club. As time passes, the hope for the escape fades. Only in reality. In the film, Vera plays out an ending of her own.
Becoming Roosi

Becoming Roosi

Deep, funny and provocative story of a girl who escaped a hippy eco-commune as a child and became a cosmopolitan citizen. Who will save the planet if not the last generation?


A self exploratory visual journey of woman emancipation through the medium of her camera.
Co s Péťou?

Co s Péťou?

Ovdovělý otec se navzdory okolnostem snaží udržet rodinu pohromadě a postarat se o autistického syna Petra a dceru Vanesu. Stačí láska na to, aby zvládl všechny své nové povinnosti?
Do Magic

Do Magic

Can it be true what Vera's grandparents once had told her? Has an ancient curse been placed on her family causing recurring misfortune? Despite her scepticism, she sets to find a true Roma witch - to overcome spell.
Keepers of the Ruins

Keepers of the Ruins

Kharkovians live life to the fullest in the daily rhythm – “shelling-cleaning-reconstruction”. They make hopes out of ruins to provide a stunning outlet for processing grief and give the war in the city a new meaning.


When the streets are quiet and people are afraid to even discuss politics, letters can give us an insight into the feelings of pain, despair, love, and hope.


Beginning with the liberation of Bucha and following five characters as they navigate their life through conflicts, trauma, and hopes, the film tells a story of transformations of the nation shaped by war.
The Murderers of Anna Labancz

The Murderers of Anna Labancz

Hungary's most mysterious case, whose solutions are still taking their toll today.
My Armenian Phantoms

My Armenian Phantoms

My father died suddenly in 2020. He was a very popular actor in Armenia. His death made me enter into a dialogue with his ghost and the ghosts of Soviet Armenia Cinema.
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